18 USC 2257 Statement

The following is the 18 USC 2257 Statement for hanime.watch:

hanimehentai.ru is not a primary or secondary producer of any of the content found on the website. If you require records as per 18 USC 2257 for any content found on this site, please direct your request to the site that produced the content.

As a video sharing site that allows for the uploading, sharing, and viewing of various types of hentai, 3D, and erotic content, hanimehentai.ru does its best to verify compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, but it may not be 100% accurate.

To ensure compliance, hanimehentai.ru follows the following procedures:

– Requiring all users to be 18 years of age or older to upload videos.
– Requiring users to verify the content and certify that they are 18 years of age or older, and that they keep records of the models in the content and confirm that they are over 18 years of age.
– Requiring all content to be drawn or computer-generated.

For assistance in finding the originating site of any content, please contact hanimehentai.ru compliance at [email protected].

hanimehentai.ru allows users to flag inappropriate content, and any content flagged as illegal, unlawful, harassing, harmful, offensive, or for various other reasons, will be removed from the site without delay. Users are encouraged to flag such content by clicking the ‘Report Video’ link found below each video.

Hanime Hentai is a website dedicated to providing an extensive collection of uncensored anime hentai, available in stunning 1080p quality. Please note that this platform is strictly for adults aged 18 and over, as it contains explicit content that may not be suitable for all audiences.

Dive into a world where your fantasies come to life through captivating animations and diverse storylines. Explore, enjoy, and remember to indulge responsibly. Your journey into the vibrant realm of hentai starts here—just be mindful of the age restrictions and immerse yourself in the unique experiences that await!

© 2025 Hanime Hentai - www.hanimehentai.ru